PSP Workbench's

Lesson 54 (Linda) From the Cat Post-It Notes

OK looks nice I know, but I *cheated* LOL
I used a page surl filter...
This started the war of the post-its!
What made this lesson so much much was the way everyone got into the spirit!~
So..I had to go back and make things right!
This is the one I actually made with the tut! It was nice and easy!~

*AND* I survived LOL

:::Go Back::

I'm LOst!

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Out of R*E*S*P*E*C*T for the PSP Workbench Group, I have changed the name of this site from Mystic's Workbench to Mystic's Workshop. Please also know that this site will not be taken down, should I no longer be a member of that group, I will continue to proudly display my hard work, but the name will remain changed, and full credit will be given to the lessons I have learned with this group.     Okie dockies?