Hi ya everyone!

I am sorry about the little construction going on around here, but you see, here in my workshop, there is always something new going on, and something is definetly *always* being learned, in my sole attempt tp master the new version of PSP just in time for the newer version to come out...and have to start all over again! So I guess you could say that as long as Jasc is selling the *new and improved* version of the PSP that I paid way too much for, the contruction signs have to stay.

*And* (Yes Mrs. Johnston, my old grammar teacher..I know you never being a sentence with AND, much less a paragraph, but here in my world..we do things my way...LOL), as if I didnt' already have enough to do, I went and joined this *awesome* group called PSP Workbench, and it for them that I have built this site....and thanks to Cathy, Marilyn and Christina, this site will remain forever under construction. *smiles*

There are new lessons to be learned everyday, and about 150 I need to catch up on...so I doubt I will be moving Leo out anytime soon. If at any point you get lost, find Leo and he will bring you right back here. As always you can email me, and *YES* I will stop what I am doing to answer, *BUT* I can't promise I won't complain! *G*

This is what I usually look like...trying to get something done...lol

Self Portrait is Lesson #152, courtesy of Arizona Kate

There is only *ONE* little Rule before you see my work!

NOTHING can be removed from this site, much less claimed as your own! I worked VERY HARD on these lessons and I should expect YOU would do the same, Yes sometimes it got to be frustrating, (God knows I have the grey hairs to prove it!)..but hopefully seeing that a *regular* person can do this, maybe you can too? Well at least give it a try! No one ever died from trying! (At least not anyone in my outlook adress book!)...well..then again ...maybe they never had to deal with so many %$@$#%&*&@% vectors before!

Just remember to always take a deep breath and say my little Vector Prayer, before you begin your PSP work:

"Vectors are my friend.
I will not loose my cool
Vectors are my friend
I will *not* be a fool!

I will work and undo,
Until I get it right!
I will crank my PSP
All day and all night!

I will conquer them vectors!
If it's the last thing I do!
And if I die trying...
I will come after you!"

LOL...a little bit of poetry to go with my PSP talents! OK I guess there's nothing else I can do to keep you from laughing hystericlly at my work, so if you're ready (::Please be kind!!! I'm learning!!:::::::), then just click on Leo to enter, and look at the lessons I have finished. WAIT! Sign my Guestbook first? Let me know what you think of my site..before you see my work? lol ..Please!! Please!! CLICK HERE To Sign/View.


(Yes..you should click on Leo to enter)

© 2000. By Lilac Springs Web Design
No portion may be reproduced or removed without prior written consent.
All backgrounds have been watermarked, please leave it here!

Out of R*E*S*P*E*C*T for the PSP Workbench Group, I have changed the name of this site from Mystic's Workbench to Mystic's Workshop. Please also know that this site will not be taken down, should I no longer be a member of that group, I will continue to proudly display my hard work, but the name will remain changed, and full credit will be given to the lessons I have learned with this group.     Okie dockies?