PSP Workbench's

Lesson 5: Web Graphic's on a Budget Inlaid Wood

OK..I am absolutely IN LOVE with this technique! I think EVERYONE should do this! It teaches you about the alpha channel, which I never would have ventured into before, and it comes out soooooooooo pretty!!!!
This TUT is for those who kind'a know what they're doing ebcause they don't use that many captions...well more like NONE, but if you can read and follow directions, you'll do fine because they KNOW what they're talking about!

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I'm LOst!

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Out of R*E*S*P*E*C*T for the PSP Workbench Group, I have changed the name of this site from Mystic's Workbench to Mystic's Workshop. Please also know that this site will not be taken down, should I no longer be a member of that group, I will continue to proudly display my hard work, but the name will remain changed, and full credit will be given to the lessons I have learned with this group.     Okie dockies?